Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme - 2019/20

Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme - 2019/20

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM 1-1/09-DP dated 9th September, 2010 conveying first administrative approval for central sector scheme - Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Schemes (DEDS) implementation during 12th plan last administrative approval issued vide letter No 1-1/09-DP dated 3rd May, 2018 and to convey administrative approval for continue of DEDS scheme for the financial 2019-20

  • Objectives of the scheme

●To generate self-employment and provide infrastructure dairy sector

●To set up modern dairy farms and infrastructure for production of clean milk

●To encourage heifer calf rearing for conserving and development of good breeding stock

●To bring structural changes in the unorganised sector so that initial processing of milk can be taken up at the village level

●To upgrade traditional technology to handle milk on a commercial scale

●To provide value addition to milk through processing and production of milk products.

Who can benefit from this scheme?

Implementing Agency and Area of Operation
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) will be the nodal agency fo implementation of DEDS scheme in all the states and UTs throughout the country.

Outlays of the scheme

There is budget provision of Rs 325 carore during the year 2019-20, which includes Rs 196.99 crore under MH2404 (General Comonent), Rs 49.60 crore under MH2404 (SC Component), Rs 25.79 crore under MH2404 (Tribal Component) and Rs 45.70 crore under MH2552 (North Eastern Region) & Rs 4.56 crore under MH2552 (SC Component), Rs 2.36 crore under MH2552 (Tribal Component).
Eligible Beneficiaries
●Farmers, individual entrepreneurs, NGOs, companies, groups of organised and unorganised sectors, etc. Groups of organised sector include Self-help Groups (SHGs), dairy cooperative societies, milk unions, milk federations, etc.

●An individual will be eligible to avail assistance for all the components under the scheme but only once for each component

●More than one member of a family can be assisted under the scheme provided they set up separate units with separate infrastructure at different locations. The distance between the boundaries of two such farms should be at least 500 metres.
Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme - 2019/20 Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme - 2019/20 Reviewed by FLYING GUJJU on December 18, 2019 Rating: 5
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